Andrew Bedno • 773-213-4578
 History   Kudos   Samples 

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iKudos : Programmer / iPhone App
Developed in C and XCode under Cordova with jQuery to create an iPhone/iPad app that speaks praises.
May. 2014 - Aug. 2017  (3yrs 3mos)
Bicycling Safety Action Game version of the Frogger arcade classic. All Javascript "WebApp" runs in local browser, uses Orientation API for joystick control on smartphones.
Jul. 2011 - Ongoing   (13yrs 1mo)
Getalife : Programmer / Computer Addiction Game
Created a Windows/DOS game in Pascal and its e-commerce site in Perl under Unix.
Jan. 1999 - Jan. 2001  (2yrs)
Website Templates
Archive of basic commercial themes for small web projects.
1997 - Ongoing   (27yrs 7mos)
Handheld Fractal Generator
1992 - Ongoing   (32yrs 7mos)
"innate understanding of computers ... able to handle projects of considerable complexity"
Nov. 1986
Miracle Factory : Programmer / Educational Activities
Developed in Pascal and Basic to create educational games for Chicago Museum of Science and Industry, Shedd Aquarium, Adler Planetarium, Lincoln Park Zoo, and Chicago Botanic Gardens.
Dec. 1984 - Dec. 1987  (3yrs 1mo)