Andrew Bedno • 773-213-4578
 History   Kudos   Samples 

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Smartphone version of the world's first video game (1962's "Spacewar!"). Running on a Javascript simulation of one of the first commercially produced computers (DEC's PDP-1).
Jan. 2018 - Ongoing   (6yrs 8mos)
Virtual Billy Bass
Javascript version of the iconic toy, speaks weather and fortunes with synchronized animations.
Jan. 2018 - Ongoing   (6yrs 8mos)
InfoWall of at-a-glance weather and webcams.
Aug. 2015 - Ongoing   (9yrs 2mos)
Apps for Metro Chicago
Finalist in the Metro Chicago Information Center's data portal contest.
Dec. 2011
iKudos : Programmer / iPhone App
Developed in C and XCode under Cordova with jQuery to create an iPhone/iPad app that speaks praises.
May. 2014 - Aug. 2017  (3yrs 3mos)
Bicycling Safety Action Game version of the Frogger arcade classic. All Javascript "WebApp" runs in local browser, uses Orientation API for joystick control on smartphones.
Jul. 2011 - Ongoing   (13yrs 3mos) : Web Developer / Social Cycling System
Developed in Javascript, PHP and MySQL under Apache to create a renowned bicycling navigation webapp.
May. 2009 - Ongoing   (15yrs 5mos)
Weighted Attribute Balance Evaluator
Developing in JavaScript and HTML.
Feb. 2009 - Ongoing   (15yrs 8mos)
Andrew has developed for an extraordinary variety of mobile devices.
Handheld Fractal Generator
1992 - Ongoing   (32yrs 9mos)